Lost Connections : Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope


What really causes depression and anxiety - and how can we really solve them? Award-winning journalist Johann Hari suffered from depression since he was a child and started taking anti-depressants when he was a teenager. He was told that his problems were caused by a chemical imbalance in his brain. As an adult, trained in the social sciences, he began to investigate whether this was true - and he learned that almost everything we have been told about depression and anxiety is wrong. Across the world, Hari found social scientists who were uncovering evidence that depression and anxiety are not caused by a chemical imbalance in our brains. In fact, they are largely caused by key problems with the way we live today. Once he had uncovered nine real causes of depression and anxiety, they led him to scientists who are discovering seven very different solutions - ones that work. If you have ever been down, or felt lost, this amazing book will change your life.

Do yourself a favour - read it now Elton John

A brilliant, stimulating, radical take on mental health Matt Haig

The more people read this book, the better off the world will be Naomi Klein

Johann Hari has delivered a remarkable tour de force on a difficult, complex and controversial subject and made the reader think anew Alastair Campbell

An exquisitely lucid treatise on why no person is, has been or ever should be an island. This book is the most exciting thing I've read this year. From slightly seedy to suicidal - however you are feeling - read this book and it will honestly help you to understand which roads we must walk if we want to see true, lasting change Emma Thompson